"Far from Slipknot and Stone Stour, "CMFT" presents a facet of Corey Taylor still unknown to the general public, showing his versatility and the multiplicity of his influences."
The episode of coronavirus will have been disastrous for the musical sphere and the whole world of culture. However, these months of confinement coupled with the cancellation of tours will have had the merit of freeing up time for musicians, usually overbooked between all the activities they have to carry out simultaneously. Corey Taylor, singer of Slipknot and Stone Sour, is no exception to the rule. This giant of the US metal scene took advantage of this particular opportunity to release his first solo opus, an album he already had in mind for a long time since the tracks on it turn out to have been written over the last 20 years!
Soberly named "CMFT", in honor of his nice long-time nickname, "Corey Mother-Fucking Taylor", dating back to his high school years, the singer's purpose was certainly to get off the beaten track and offer content that he hadn't used to with his bands. A successful goal for our Iowa native. Exit the super heavy guitars and the throaty vocals, "CMFT" is definitely rock, with sometimes punk or blues accents. Above all, it seems to be a beautiful tribute to the musician's influences with its sounds straight from the 80's with a very modern and impeccable production.
We are therefore at the antipodes of the work that Taylor has been presenting for nearly 30 years. However, listening to this opus, it seems that the frontman has practiced this style all his life! Overall, the album is very peachy, dynamic, and very rock. 'Samantha's Gone' is one of the very successful tracks with its punk rock sounds and its sustained rhythm, and the radiophonic character of many tracks does not prevent them from being pleasant ('Kansas', 'Black Eyes Blue'...). At times, the energy deployed even reaches new heights as on the overpowering 'Meine Lux' or 'Everybody Dies On My Birthday'.
But our strongman is even more convincing on slower and less over-excited tracks. 'The Maria Fire' is an excellent bluesy track, with the right amount of groove and a very well written rock chorus. 'Silverfish', relatively calm, reminds us of Alice In Chains with its grunge guitar and a very US sound as often in this album. There are even some little surprises, such as the funky 'CMFT Must Be Stopped' and its rapping verses, giving us the opportunity to underline the versatility of the singer with his impeccable flow, although he has got us used to this kind of phrasing in the past. At the end of the album, 'Home', a piano-voice ballad, brings a little breath, even if the title is a bit cliché to really arouse interest.
A work of a lifetime, this 'CMFT' fulfills the role one could expect from it, presenting a facet of Corey Taylor still unknown to the general public and proving to us at the same time the amplitude of his influences which, when well combined and articulated as here, can give a convincing result. - Official website
01. HWY 666 02. Black Eyes Blue 03. Samantha’s Gone 04. Meine Lux 05. Halfway Down 06. Silverfish 07. Kansas 08. Culture Head 09. Everybody Dies on My Birthday 10. The Maria Fire 11. Home 12. CMFT Must Be Stopped 13. European Tour Bus Bathroom Song
Christian Martucci: Guitares Corey Taylor: Chant Dustin Schoenhofer: Batterie Jason Christopher: Basse Zach Throne: Guitares Kid Bookie: Chant / Invité Tech N9ne: Chant / Invité
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