A sort of bridge between Soilwork and Opeth, Disillusion's "Back To Times Of Splendor" is an impressively masterful and original debut album.
- 30/04/2004
Enslaved confirm their incredible talent with this "Isa", which qualifies the band as the King Crimson of black metal.
- 27/12/2004
Whereas the band's previous albums were sad and sombre, 'Alive again' exudes a certain joy, while retaining the band's characteristic atmospheric feel.
- 29/08/2003
With "V", Symphony X takes us into a whirlwind of Symphonic Heavy Metal and consolidates its image as a major Progressive Metal band.
- 29/08/2003
Of 70's and progressive inspiration, "Ghost Reveries" is once again an excellent album from Opeth, a band that never stops evolving according to its desires and inspirations.
- 21/09/2005
If the guitar lovers will get their share in this "Inheritance", the fans of extreme Metal in search of new sensations as well as the amateurs of progressive could well be pleasantly surprised.
- 19/10/2004
"Below" The Lights is a record that fascinates, amazes and makes Enslaved a cult band.
- 29/08/2003
Metal, Progressive, Black or Folk, Vintersorg skillfully mixes genres in this "Visions From The Spiral Generator", an album to be ranked among the best releases of the year 2002.
- 29/08/2003
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