"The art of Blood Incantation is to unite antagonistic worlds on this sublime “Absolute Elsewhere”, somewhere between Jean-Michel Jarre and Cynic."
Blood Incantation is a progressive death band that can't be ignored. They like to break the rules, to erase barriers by interspersing between two records of technical and progressive death, heirs of Cynic, Nocturnus or Pestilence, another 100% electro in the tradition of Tangerine Dream (“Timewave Zero”). Two years after the latter, “Absolute Elsewhere” marks the return of intense, razor-sharp guitars, sprinkled with aquatic keyboards and futuristic sound effects.
In the world of Blood Incantation, melody rubs shoulders with the savage power of Morbid Angel-like death ('The Message [Tablet III]'), punctuated by convoluted rhythmic variations reminiscent of Obscura. With this new opus, the Americans take a new step towards the progressive, as if Yes had joined forces with Morbid Angel to write a new page in their musical adventure. The progressive spirit nestles in the numerous and often unexpected contrasts: when a choir's vocals erase a cavernous grunt, when a solitary synthesizer part or stripped-down arpeggios recall Ayreon's “The Electric Castle”, or when an airy, Jethro Tull-like flute finds itself alone on stage, wedged between two walls of leaden riffs. The record's primary achievement is to be complex, varied and multifaceted, without making a futile display of demonstrations, the music always following a precise direction. The songs are enhanced by numerous passages of electronic music reminiscent of Jean-Michel Jarre or Tangerine Dream, creating cyclical melodies that intensify the bite of a deathly technical contour ('The Stargate [Tablet II]'). These artificial sounds fit perfectly with the band's science-fiction concept. The result is supernaturally beautiful and captivating, as the long tracks leave no wavering moment. Melody is always at the forefront, with anthemic solo guitar parts, skilfully-adjusted dissonances and technical, melodic riffs reminiscent of Dream Theater ('The Stargate [Tablet I]'). Although the band's progressive intent is very clear, it never forgets its death roots, with omnipresent blasts and saturated vocals that send a chill down the spine ('The Stargate [Tablet III]').
Blood Incantation's art is to unite antagonistic worlds and glue it all together with a magical musical scotch. “Absolute Elsewhere” is a masterstroke, a masterpiece of rage, beauty and ice, where the fusion of lead guitars and ethereal synthesizers is a stroke of genius. Unstoppable technique, power and melodies are also the strong points of this grandiose, luminous record, despite its space-black music. Lovers of science fiction, techno-progressive death and Jean-Michel Jarre should definitely dive into this album, as it will be an immense pleasure to listen to. A total success! - Official website
01. The Stargate [Tablet I] - 8:20 02. The Stargate [Tablet II] - 5:08 03. The Stargate [Tablet III] - 6:50 04. The Message [Tablet I] - 5:56 05. The Message [Tablet II] - 5:58 06. The Message [Tablet III] - 11:27
Isaac Faulk: Batterie Jeff Barrett: Basse Morris Kolontyrsky: Guitares Paul Riedl: Chant / Guitares
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