"Rebirth" is Stoned's first EP, an interesting but perfectible effort with undeniable charm."
Stoned is a French band from France who plays a mix of metalcore and hardcore, with touches of deathcore. After a first EP in a stoner vein, 'Stoned', and a change of personnel, the band also changes musical direction to embrace a more aggressive sound on 'Rebirth'.
With these seven tracks, Stoned enter a new brutal world with massive, leaden architecture. The record is powerful and precise, with its share of straightforward hardcore riffs sprinkled with fine melodies ('Burnout'). The tracks crush the listener under tons of murderous guitars and explosive drums. A slowdown ('Get Cracking') brings out the stoner influences of the past, mixed with terribly sweaty extreme atmospheres. Ultimately, the difference may come from the bluesy touches scattered throughout the acoustic version of 'Just One Beer', which sounds almost better than its electrified older sister, exalting its personality once stripped of its artifice. Overflowing with energy - and sometimes struggling to channel it - the record nonetheless deviates little from a well-trodden path.
This first EP has an undeniable charm, interesting but perfectible. Intense and well-crafted, it would have deserved a few points of madness and spicy moments to exalt its essence or its snarl. But the journey is already well underway, and the record already displays its major asset: a tenfold power. - Official website
01. Run Baby Run 02. Burnout 03. Get Cracking 04. Something Else 05. Take Your Revenge 06. Just One Beer 07. Just One Beer (acoustic version)
Allan Meliand: Batterie Damien Grojean: Chant David Poubland: Guitares Michaël Ceindrial: Basse Steven Moello: Chant
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