"More direct and effective than ever, Myrath focus on simplicity and melody on this infectiously energetic 'Karma'."
The release of a Myrath album is never a smooth ride, and the release of their sixth opus is no exception to the rule, having been postponed for several months due to the theft of files at the end of the mixing process, resulting in the massive distribution of the album on pirate platforms from September 2023. But the album is finally out at the start of the new year, and if like us you've forbidden yourself from listening to it illegally, if only out of respect for the band and the enormous amount of work it represents, here it is.
Over the past two albums, the Tunisians' blazing desert metal has been stripped of the progressive aspects that made them famous, and Myrath has since concentrated on flamboyant melodic metal. "Karma" follows in their footsteps, offering eleven tracks with direct structures and immediate melodic impact. The band's signature identity is still underpinned by a never-invasive oriental ambience that Kevin Codfert's keyboards almost single-handedly depict. The riffs are sharp, the solos twirling and Morgan Berthet's drums are very present, punctuating each bar with palpable energy.
There are plenty of melodic hits, such as 'Into The Light', 'Let It Go', 'Carry On' and 'Heroes', all underpinned by Zaher Zorgati's warm, powerful voice. He engages the listener with every note of his warm tone, taking the tracks to even more impressive melodic heights. The rest of the album is of the same ilk. The eternally dissatisfied will cry lack of risk-taking, while others will regret the purely traditional touch that Myrath so skilfully introduced on 'Shehili' in 2019.
More direct and effective than ever, Myrath focus on this aspect in 2024, between simplicity and melody. The purely instrumental parts are rarer than usual, but the power of the sound and the impeccable production pull the album towards absolute melodic heights, as if all the work of writing, composing and performing was entirely dedicated to this goal. The result is an album that works, from the first note to the last, that can be listened to in one sitting without the slightest hint of boredom, and that will delight fans of the band and lovers of melodic metal for years to come. - Official website
01. To The Stars 02. Into The Light 03. Candles Cry 04. Let It Go 05. Words Are Failing 06. The Wheel Of Time 07. Temple Walls 08. Child Of Prophecy 09. The Empire 10. Heroes 11. Carry On
Anis Jouini: Basse Kevin Codfert: Claviers Malek Ben Arbia: Guitares Morgan Berthet: Batterie Zaher Zorgati: Chant
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Vraiment pas terrible cet album. Au secours, "Let It Go" en effet !
@Lynott Mais c'est souvent qu'on est d'accord mais ça se voit pas toujours, c'est tout !Mais je veux bien fêter ça quand même !🤗
@Kinggeddie Nous sommes donc d'accord. Ca s'arrose !
@Townsend à part la pochette qui t'insupporte , je ne vois pas beaucoup "d'arguments"pour étayer ton ressenti à l'égard de ce disque.. dire qu'un album est à chier , c'est facile, développer c'est plus dur..(des pochettes horribles, crois moi, j'en ai vu des centaines et celle-ci est tout sauf naze !)
@lynott: je t'autorise à utiser cet argumentaire pour tous les albums post-tales of the Sand, de ce groupe qui s'autoparodie depuis un bail. Au même titre que Dream Theater avec ou sans Portnoy d'ailleurs. Même DGM s'y met... Là il y a copyright 😁 Quant à la pochette, il n'y a pas lieu de comparer avec du Black dont certaines pochette sont très belles. L'important c'est d'écouter de la musique qui fait vibrer (copyright). Pour moi ici c'est plutôt chiantissime. Enfin , si quelqu'un dit qu'un album est à chier, je trouve cela assez courageux dans cette époque où le consensus est un objectif majeur et pathétique (copyright).
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2.8/5 (5 view(s))
3.4/5 (9 view(s))
MYRATH (2019)
As their fifth album is leaving for the charts, we met Zaher Zorgati, the singer of Myrath, this sparkling jewel of oriental metal.