"Without any real upheaval but with its share of little surprises, "On The Prowl" sees Steel Panther staying at the top of a Glam Rock that doesn't try to hide its roots while bringing them an irresistible freshness."
While he was one of the founding members of what was first Metal Shop, the departure of Lexxi Foxx from Steel Panther has sounded like a thunderclap to the band's fans. As usual, Steel Panther has been making a lot of second-degree statements in order not to mention the real reasons for the departure. But whether it's "sexual rehabilitation" or "developing her own business called 'Sexxy Lexxi's Finest Pets'", it is of little importance. The main thing is that the bassist and his legendary mirror are now replaced by Spyder, who is none other than the band's tour manager. As the quartet have rarely surprised us with their releases, it remains to be seen whether this line-up change will have a real impact on "On The Prowl".
Let's immediately reassure the fans of our apostles of lust by announcing that they will find here all the elements that have made them happy for almost a quarter of a century. The new delivery is still filled with a Glam Rock worthy of the 80's that the band claims, going as far as to pay homage to its idols on '1987', in which Michael Starr quotes, among others, Poison, Whitesnake, Scorpions or Ozzy Osbourne. The main originality of this track is that it is a nostalgic ballad. In the midst of the traditional 'poetic' tracks that Steel Panther has accustomed us to, this may come as a slight surprise. We also note the disguised criticism of social networks behind another power ballad ('On Your Instagram'), as well as an electro-acoustic sweetness a la Cinderella ('Ain't Dead Yet') in which our lecherous Californians are almost touching as they evoke the passing of time and the advancing age.
But Steel Panther is above all a multitude of odes to depravity, and this "On The Prowl" is still well endowed in this respect. Amongst the more 'delicate' ones, we'll mention the introductory 'Never Too Late (To Get Some Pussy Tonight)' with its direct riff and catchy chorus, the heavy and equally unstoppable 'Is My Dick Enough' enriched by an unexpected solo from Dweezil Zappa, and the very Def Leppard mid-tempo 'Magical Vagina'. And that's the art of Michael Starr's band, spouting out lyrics that censors can't let pass despite their obvious second degree, while ing the choruses in our minds. Add to this the high technical level of the musicians, with Satchel multiplying soli worthy of the best shredders, a sharp sense of catchy composition and a more than contagious good mood, and you get a new album worthy of its predecessors.
Without any real upheaval but with its share of little surprises, "On The Prowl" sees Steel Panther staying at the top of a Glam Rock that doesn't try to hide its roots while bringing them an irresistible freshness. - Official website
01. Never Too Late (to Get Some Pussy Tonight) - 4:00 02. Friends With Benefits - 3:54 03. On Your Instagram - 4:46 04. Put My Money Where Your Mouth Is - 3:23 05. 1987 - 3:27 06. Teleporter - 3:59 07. Is My Dick Enough (feat. Dweezil Zappa) - 3:42 08. Magical Vagina - 3:49 09. All That And More - 4:35 10. One Pump Chump - 2:17 11. Pornstar - 3:38 12. Ain't Dead Yet - 3:24 13. Sleeping On The Rollaway - 2:28
Michael Starr: Chant Satchel: Guitares Spyder: Basse Stix Zadinia: Batterie Dweezil Zappa: Guitares / Invité
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