"If "Number 6" moves away from progressive rock, Sterpi's guitar touch is still intact."
Less than a year after his "Outlaws Solutions For A Better World", Sterpi is already back with an album soberly entitled "Number 6". Since ''Return To My Dreams'', the musician had exchanged his costume of son of funk to raise the standard of the progressive rock. If the last album had succeeded in continuing on its momentum, on the other hand the unexpected arrival of the virus pushed the artist to compose in the solitude of his room.
On his two previous albums, Sterpi had succeeded in appropriating the codes of the progressive rock, even if his music remained very centered on the guitar. However Sterpi swears to never get tired of the progressive, ''Number 6'' tends to move away from it a little bit. While he was used to long albums, this one contains 6 songs for a duration of 28 minutes: from now on, Sterpi seems to want to go to the essential. After the sound of a gong, the luminous arpeggios of the acoustic guitar manage to catch the listener very quickly. With 'She's Hero', we recognize two of his personal signatures: a stormy guitar solo and a generous voice. On the other hand, because of the pandemic, Sterpi had to can this album by himself with a few exceptions. Thus, the female voices that used to be his trademark are not invited. With a bit of humor, the artist managed to tamper with his voice on 'We Don't Have To Pay' to make it sound like a young woman.
The album features a joust between the electric and the acoustic guitar. This balance is rather well managed and in spite of a formula which is not revolutionary the approach is seductive, this new album showing sophistication. If 'Take A Breath' finds progressive colors, the more elusive 'A Few Weeks To Save The World' plays with all the influences while keeping a strong identity. One can also imagine by listening to 'We Don't Have To Pay' the future of Sterpi's music, the artist having constantly declared his desire to venture into electro. 'Another Day' which closes the album and invites us to visit Brazil with a sound close to the bossa nova allows to conclude the album on a lighter note and a guitar solo with funk hints.
The new Sterpi, less progressive but just as true to himself, has arrived. This album in EP format gives us a glimpse into the world of the guitarist with his guitar solos inspired by Carlos Santana and his magnetic voice. We will regret however the brevity of the exercise which gives a taste a little unfinished to this tormented journey, but which constitutes a perfect door of entry in the universe of the guitarist. - Official website
01. The Fire the Storm and the Rain - 5:51 02. We Don't Have to Pay - 4:08 03. She's a Hero - 3:16 04. A Few Weeks to Save the World - 3:59 05. Take a Breath for Your Soul - 4:28 06. Another Day... - 6:46
Chris Sterpi: Chant / Guitares / Basse / Claviers / Congas
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