""The Entombment of Chaos" is a powerful, square, solid and precise record, even if it sometimes lacks diversity."
The Americans of Sketetal Remains have produced since 2011 three albums whose qualities of composition, violence and technique have been recognized by the press. This did not prevent, after "Devouring Mortality", the departures of Adrius Marquez who left his bass to Noah Young (ex. Warbringer) and Johnny Valles, replaced by Mike De La O on drums. The band publishes "The Entombment of Chaos" whose cover is made by the legendary Dan Seagrave and whose mixing was entrusted to the no less famous Dan Swäno (Edge Of Sanity) who shaped the sound of many terrifying bands.
The power is enhanced by the density of the production and a sometimes stifling violence. Even if 'Cosmic Chasm' starts with a thin sound net with distorted synthetic noises, the frightening atmosphere quickly takes over. 'Illusive Divinity' imposes a guitar with sharp riffs and the drums are stressful. The guitar is inspired by Malevolent Creation or Benediction by abusing vibratos and dissonances whose common thread is intensity. 'Eternal Hatred' begins with a hammered rhythm and a rain of bass drums that turns into an overwhelming heaviness reminiscent of Benediction or some Entombed tracks. The same power is found in 'Congregation Of Flesh' and 'Synthetic Impulse'. This overflowing intensity, sometimes suffocating, which takes to the guts, will delight the amateur.
The band punctuates its anger with melodic touches that are sometimes strange, sometimes attractive and almost soft. Thus 'Enshrined Agony' is an interlude to the arpeggios whose arabic sounds sometimes evoke Metallica ('One', 'Master Of Puppets'). 'Dissecstasy' imposes a fast, melodic and technical guitar, while 'Synthetic Impulse' reveals a limpid and attractive one, floating in the midst of chaos. Here is the second element which will please the fans: these unexpected melodic touches which calm the storm.
"The Entombment of Chaos" is a powerful, square, solid and precise record, even if it sometimes lacks diversity. Its heavy music is fortunately sprinkled with melodic points that enhance its flavor, a zest of technique that spices it up and a great brutality that captivates. - Official website
01. Cosmic Chasm (Intro) 02. Illusive Divinity 03. Congregation Of Flesh 04. Synthetic Impulse 05. Tombs Of Chaos 06. Enshrined In Agony (Instrumental) 07. Dissectasy 08. Torturous Ways To Obliteration 09. Eternal Hatred 10. Unfurling The Casket 11. Stench Of Paradise Burning (Disincarnate cover)
Chris Monroy: Chant / Guitares Mike De La O: Guitares Noah Young: Basse
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