- 1969
ZZ Top was formed in Houston, Texas, in 1969. The band's core members were guitarist and singer Billy Gibbons, bassist and singer Dusty Hill and drummer Frank Beard. Known for their blues-tinged rock sound and distinctive beard, ZZ Top quickly became synonymous with Texan arrogance and musical excellence.
The legendary origin of the name remains obscure. Some say it was the cigarette paper name used by the band members at the time. Others believe that the band took the name as a gamble, their aim being to ensure that their albums were always the last to appear in the record bins (vinyl, at the time) of every record store. In fact, the classification in these bins was alphabetical. The explanation comes from Billy Gibbons, explained in their book Rock + Roll gearhead: it's derived from the name of blues master B.B. King. They wanted to call themselves ZZ King but it still sounded too much like the original. They thought that "King" was "Top" and so adopted ZZ Top. But another rumour persists about the band's name. Instead of typing "22 top", the band was called "zz top".
Rooted in the foundations of blues and rock, ZZ Top are known for their cutting guitar sound and powerful vocals, but even more so for their distinctive appearance. The Texan cowboy style with stetson and cowboy boots up until the "Tejas" album gave way, after a two-year break, from "Deguello" onwards to the bearded prospector look that the advent of the music video era made world-famous in the early 1980s.
Gibbons and Hill always appeared wearing sunglasses, cowboy hats and excessive beards that reached to their waists. Strangely enough, the last member of the band, Franck Beard, didn't even have a beard! During their live performances, Gibbons and Hill have been known to make the same gestures at the same time.
Their biggest hit was the 1983 album 'Eliminator', featuring the tracks 'Gimme all your lovin', 'Legs' and 'Sharp Dressed Man'. The band conveyed a typically Texan cowboy humour in their choice of song titles, frequently celebrating the simple pleasures of fighting ('Beers Drinkers and Hell Raisers'), drinking ('Arrested For Drivin While Blind') and women ('A Fool For Your Stockings'), even those of lesser virtue who practised their profession in specialised establishments ('La Grange').
Billy Gibbons, who began his career with the blues and psychedelic band The Moving Sidewalks, has a bluesy guitar touch that is instantly recognisable. He's never made any secret of the fact that he's first and foremost a bluesman, although there are rock influences too, with several covers of Elvis Presley ('Jailhouse rock' and 'Viva Las Vegas') and psychedelia (the cover of 'The 13th Floor Elevators Reverbation' on the Tribute to Roky Erickson compilation). The band are patrons of the Delta Blues Museum.
There's a lot of activity around the band, including Peter Zurich's 'unofficial' website, Little ol' band from Texas. Gregory K. Deeter (Houston) and Albert Phelipot (in charge of remastering several recordings that have become historical references in France) have set up a worldwide concert archive on the ZZ Live website.
Despite Dusty Hill's death in July 2021, the members of ZZ Top have decided to keep the band going with Elwood Francis on bass on tour. A new album is due to be released in 2024.
More informations on http://www.zztop.com/
In 1984, the Gillette company offered Gibbons and Hill a million dollars to appear in a commercial in which they would shave their beards. They turned it down.